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Gospels Citations and Allusions in Christian-Muslim Relations

In this section, we identified all the citations and allusions of the Gospels verses in the literature produced by Christians and Muslims in the first millennium. We limited our sources to the works mentioned in the monumental work: "Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History". This section enables the researchers to browse all these citations and allusions and to compare them with their parallels in the lectionaries and/or continuous texts of the Gospels.

Citation transcription Work
MT 5:22
MT 05:22
و ان قلت لصاحبك راقا او احمق فقد وجبت عليك نار جهنم
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
MT 5:43-44
MT 05:43
قال: سمعت انه قيل للاولين احبب محبك وابغض عدوك
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
MT 27:46
MT 27:46
الهي الهي لم خذلتني
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
MT 16:18
MT 16:18
انت الصخرة وعلى هذه الصخرة ابني كنيستي وابواب الجحيم لا تغلبها
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
JN 21:17
JN 21:15
قال له ثلث مرار بعد قيامته على بحير طبرية يا سمعان اتحبني ارعى خرافي
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
LK 22:31-32
LK 22:31
و قال له يا سمعان ان الشيطان يسال ان يغربلكم كالقمح
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
MT 15:14
MT 15:14
ان اعمى يقود اعمى وكلاهما في الهوتة يسقطان
Treatise on the confirmation of the Holy Law of Moses and the Prophets
MT 2:13-14
MT 02:13
قول الملاك ليوسف فى بيت لحم ان قم وخذ الصبي وامه و اهرب الى مصر فان هروذس سا يطلبه ليقتله
Treatise on the prostration to the image of Christ and the images of Saints
MT 26:26-27
MT 26:26
اعطا ربنا فجره ودمه تلاميذه فى الغرفة بأورشليم انما ناولهم خبزا
Treatise on the prostration to the image of Christ and the images of Saints
JN 7:38
JN 07:38
ان من آمن بى كما قال الكتاب انهار ماء الحياة تجري من بطنه
Treatise on the prostration to the image of Christ and the images of Saints


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